
“The Problem of Revolutionary Morality in Habermas’ Pure Proceduralism,” presented at SWIPshop, New York Society for Women in Philosophy, August 2013.

Chair, session on “Social Kinds,” at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division meeting, March 2013.

Comments on “Hobbes on Gratitude and the Free Gift of Sovereignty,” by Sarah Meier (Emory), at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meeting, December 2012.

“Iris Young: Justice and Humanitarian Intervention,” presented at the Social and Political Philosophy Workshop, Graduate Center, City University of New York, February 2011.



Doctoral Program: California Roundtable on Philosophy and Race, Hunter College (CUNY), October 5-6, 2012; “Radically Gay: The Life and Visionary Legacy of Harry Hay,” Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) at the Graduate Center (CUNY), September 27-30, 2012; Faculty Day Conference, Brooklyn College (CUNY), May 23, 2012, “Culture as Site for Contest: Destroyed Past, Truncated Present, Dubious Future,” Brooklyn College Interdisciplinary Colloquium, March 2-3, 2012; Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network Educator Training Workshop, Brooklyn College, September 16, 2011; Core Conference, Brooklyn College, June 6, 2011; Mini-Conference on Justice and Democracy, Center for Global Ethics & Politics, Graduate Center, April 5, 2011; American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division meeting, New York, NY, 2009; Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy, New York University, November 6-7, 2009.

Master’s Program:  Fagothey Conference, “Themes in Descartes,” Santa Clara University, October 4, 2008; “Theological-Political Treatise Workshop,” Leiden University, May 19-20, 2008; “Spinoza’s Psychology,” Mini-Conference at the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting, Pasadena, CA, March 22-23, 2008; Southwest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, San Francisco State University, February 23-24, 2008; American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2007.